2 min 3 yrs

With the international prize I Pionieri del tartufo, a cultural project takes shape and will be of double stature and large dimension: the culture of the truffle that starts from the supply chain is staged and a new concept manifests itself

The award to Don Giovanni Balsamini was motivated as follows: For having served his territory by telling about beauty, respecting mother earth with intelligence and dedication, reaching the hearts of people who love the world of truffles

A great man, an immense priest, a forerunner and a precursor of the modern promotion of the territory: Don Giovanni Balsami: an icon of the truffle.

Momenti intensi e di grande suggestione riferiti proprio a chi ha fondato la Mostra nazionale del tartufo bianco delle Marche: quasi 60 anni fa. Oltre all’uomo premiamo la terra dove questo uomo ha vissuto e dove entrambi hanno esaltato le proprie caratteristiche per renderla più bella, migliore e ospitale e per questo che andremo a ricercare gli uomini e le donne che in tanti anni grazie all’amore per la propria terra hanno saputo esaltare il tartufo, tutti i tartufi e il mondo che ruota attorno.

Sant’Angelo in Vado manifests itself in all its splendor, in this month we have certainly experienced spectacular moments, popular moments, we needed the moment of culture, prestige, value and to give the right dimension to those characters who have made great things for our country.

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