How ever in these times so tried and full of sadness these two women motivate the cities of Alba and Sant’Angelo in Vado to promote harmony and mutual support.

If in the communal age the Dominicans of the Third Order of Penance perform a delicate task by nourishing the feelings of harmony within civil society and promoting behaviors based on solidarity, their role becomes of the first order when it begins to put itself forward. the need for pacification between the factions and the municipal magistracies, troubled by ideological contrasts and internal conflicts, are required to have administrative and political stability that they are no longer able to guarantee.

In the rapid process of transformation that determines the birth of the Lordships, these women of high spirituality, interpreting the Dominican charism that embodies the principles of the true faith expressed in the City of God and makes them manifest, proposing them as cornerstones of civil life in the city of man , put their authority and prestige into play, assuming a dual function of maternal and spiritual political advice towards the powerful families who gradually assert themselves at the helm of many cities in central-northern Italy.

It is certain that in the secret of our land, where the truffle comes to life, it is necessary to dig and extract hidden treasures, once lost and now found, which motivate the nobility of our common traditions. For all these reasons listed so far, it can be said that there are multiple affinities between Sant’Angelo in Vado, and more particularly the territory of Montefeltro, and the city of Alba: the similarities mentioned do not only concern the food and gastronomic aspects linked with truffles, but above all they fall on the presence of these two medieval saints who are inevitably able to activate a cultural twinning between the city of Sant’Angelo in Vado and the city of Alba.