The Italian cities of truffles that show at least one annual event dedicated to one of the eight edible species in Italy, represent a great cultural and historical heritage for the Italian truffle.
The Italian cities of truffles are present throughout the boot and substantially dictate the values ​​of the truffle, the defense of the environment and the validity of a suitable, uncontaminated and unique territory. The National Association of the City of Truffles unites them in a network with each other and all manifest events, fairs, festivals and kermesse where truffles in all types and in all seasons can tell a message of gastronomy and tourism. With this noble association by now historical, there is a sharing of objectives and values ​​in the narration of the truffle and in its enhancement both in the kitchen and in the dining room; precious assets that recall the tourist and environmental values, which are a living expression of Mother Earth Italy.

This autumn I would like to travel back to the most beautiful truffle fairs and exhibitions: from Alba to Amandola, from Saracena to Scheggino, then to San Miniato and San Giovanni d’Asso and why not to Sant’Angelo in Vado, up to moving down to Isernia in Molise and in the beautiful hills of Abruzzo, to arrive on the Murge and in some beautiful area of ​​the Nebrodi in Sicily.
Because the truffle comes from all lands and all intact and immaculate lands know how to manifest it; we only have the duty to make it known and narrate it with elegance, to the point of bringing it to the right tables for ready minds.

We must do it with style and recognized professionalism that comes from a long experience in the field, with the ability and vision to see the truffle as a cultural and academic goal and not as a speculative one.
The great Italian truffle fairs recall a rich and fascinating world, the internationality of the message of the Italian truffle is worth gold, with the ability to make us love and respect for the beauty and environmental integrity imbued with just and ethical sensorial values.

Let’s play these cards for autumn and create a select committee of the best experts and connoisseurs of truffles to tell the whole world about it, because the whole world that loves Italy also loves truffles.