3 min 2 yrs

The director Giuseppe Cristini, the municipality of Fossombrone and the mayor Massimo Berloni and the Proloco Forum Sempronii, crown chef Pompili as a symbol of truffle cuisine in the world

Un absolute luminary in the history of Italian truffle cuisine . This is the motivation that led to the career award for chef Lucio Pompili. Boundless talent, lively intuition and profound cultural intelligence are just some of his great virtues. To him goes the recognition of having given the Marche a rank of notoriety of world caliber. 


Thus the chef welcomed this prestigious award:

“In the Tartufo Valley I am proud to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award and as my dear friend Gualtiero Marchesi, a chef who changed Italian cuisine, said:” they call me everywhere to give me a Lifetime Achievement Award, but I haven’t stopped yet love my profession “.

And when the Reward arrives it means that you have given the best in your business that has a beginning and an end.

“The career is marked by a first phase of study and at the same time of work, the second moment is when we understand that the right choice has been made and therefore we continue to study and work in a profession that allows us to become artisans, where you don’t distinguish free time from work time, but you distinguish what you like from what you don’t like “.

And after all this comes the Lifetime Achievement Award, during the third stage.

“He arrives after sixty and I hope to get much further, and still today I feel the need to continue studying and working and as Marchesi said:” the older you get, the more you study, doing less heavy work, but it will be the books that will give us ideas for reflections on life “ ».

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